Kent Chiropractor Dr. Kevin Andersen
“I always knew that someday I would do something to help people. “

Dr. Kevin Andersen
Through chiropractic, I realize I help people more than I ever could have imagined when I was younger.
Growing up, my parents always went to chiropractors. My father worked for an airline and lifting all those heavy suitcases really tore his back up. He was always in pain and chiropractic always helped him. I sometimes would go with him and get adjusted too, being a very active child. When I was in high school and trying to figure out what to do in life I contemplated chiropractic school but choose another path.
Several years later being very unsatisfied in my management career, chiropractic was again brought to my attention. My girlfriend at the time, now my wonderful wife, was having a lot of back pain. So I went with her to see her chiropractor and started thinking about what a wonderful job it was to have people come in so much pain and walk out feeling so much better. Several weeks later I went to a family reunion and a cousin of mine slipped on rock in the stream while fishing and really twisted his back. Back at my grandparents house he asked me to help him and laid down on the floor and got into a position on his side. He said, “This is the position my chiropractor uses when he adjusts me; come here and help me stretch so I can get some relief.” Realizing it was the same position I had seen many times when I saw my father get adjusted and when I got adjusted as a kid, I went over, stretched him and he got up and felt well enough to go on with the family reunion. That made up my mind! I was going to chiropractic school. I researched it and was in school within four months.
A Chiropractic Education
I had attended school at Washington State University right after high school, but when I decided to go to chiropractic school I attended Green River Community College to get all my prerequisites done. I attended Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon. I especially enjoyed all the science and biology classes. I have always been intrigued by how things work and how they are made up and there is nothing as intriguing as the human body and how it functions. All those cells working together to keep us alive and going; it is just fascinating.
My Philosophy
My goal in practice is to show people through natural methods how they can have a better quality and hopefully quantity of life. Our bodies are designed to move and function, when something disrupts that either from trauma like a fall or car accident, or from repetitive abuse like bad positions or overuse activities, or just plain stress, it causes our bodies not to function as it was intended. Chiropractic restores the normal movement of the body thereby restoring the normal function of the body and allows the bodies own healing processes to take place. I can’t tell you how many people get off my table and move around and say “I haven’t felt this good in years”. That is the way we were meant to feel and function.
On a Personal Note…
I have been married since 1994 to my lovely wife Debby. She and I grew up in the area and have know each other since we were children. It was not until we were into our twenties that we started dating. Now we have three wonderful children of our own. We spend a lot of time working for the Lord and with our children.
I get adjusted at least twice a week, I just don’t feel right if I don’t keep my body functioning. My children love to get adjusted. I can hardly get my wife adjusted and they are asking to be next, when they come in the office they want to be first on the table. It really hit home to me how much my children understand what a chiropractic adjustment can do for someone, when my son was maybe 4 years old he came up to me and said “Dad, please adjust me, I don’t feel good.” He just knew what he needed to feel better. Sure enough he was coming down with a cold and within a couple of days it was gone with vitamins and a few adjustments.
Thanks for visiting our site. I look forward to meeting you in person and learning how we may be of service to you. Give our Kent office a call, or email me using the link above and let’s arrange a time to explore your options.